BRIDGE The Main Bridge module is connected to the spaceframe structure with a series of 320 7.2 cm duranium fastening rods. These fasteners can be disengaged at major starbase layover, permitting disconnect and replacement of the entire bridge module. Torsion relief and vibration damping are provided by a series of 17 mm microfoamed AGP semiflexible ceramic gaskets which form the mechanical interface between the structures. The Main Bridge shell is constructed from an interlaced microfoam duranium filament shell gamma- welded to a tritanium truss structural framework. The inner environment envelope is fabricated from low-density expanded ceramic-polymer composite segments, providing both atmospheric integrity and thermal insulation. During the initial spaceworthiness tests of the original USS Galaxy prototype vessel, the standard Galaxy class bridge module was not yet fully operational. Instead, a custom-built module was used that was equipped with independent life-support and sublight propulsion capabilities. This unit was used as a self- contained crew compartment during the initial shakedown and could have been ejected, carrying the crew to safety in the event of a catastrophic failure of the spaceframe or propulsion system. Æ